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Generic error response (4xx, 5xx)

"errors": [
"id": "not_found",
"message": "Not found"

Validation failed (400)

"errors": [
"id": "validation_error",
"message": "Please enter a valid email address."

All error messages will return both machine (id) and human readable (message) error message. All errors, except validation_error, return only one error.

validation_error with status code 400 is returned when the validation of the resource fails on POST or PUT requests. Response contains errors field with a list of errors.

Important: Different error types (id) can be added and removed over time so you should make sure your application accepts new ones as well.

Error idCodeDescription
param_required400Missing parameter
validation_error400Unable to validate POST/PUT
invalid_request400Invalid request
authentication_error401Invalid auth (generic)
insufficient_funds402User has insufficient funds
invalid_scope403User hasn't authenticated necessary scope
not_found404Resource not found
not_acceptable406Missing or incompatible Accept-Encoding header.
rate_limit_exceeded429Rate limit exceeded
internal_server_error500Internal server error